This page lists the operational policies for Masto.NYC, as well as links to various user resources.

Membership policy

Anyone who lives or works in the New York metropolitan area is welcome to create an account on Masto.NYC. Business and organizations located here are also welcome!

If you don’t live or work in the area, you’re still welcome to explore the site, but please don’t make an account here. This rule is enforced against blatant offenders who don’t reside in what Wikipedia considers the New York Metropolitan Area.

If you create an account here but end up moving away from New York, then you can still keep and continue to use your Masto.NYC account for as long as you like.

Moderation policies

All of our moderation is driven by our server rules, listed on the Masto.NYC About page.

Report rule-breaking behavior

We rely on our users to report content that conflicts with our server’s rules. If you spot a post that breaks the rules of this server, please report it! This is true for both local and federated content.

Rules enforcement for local users

If we receive valid complaints about a Masto.NYC user making rule-breaking posts, then we respond according to the following general pattern:

  • The first infraction results in a warning.
  • Subsequent infractions result in temporary suspension.
  • Repeated infractions might result in permanent suspension.
  • We reserve the right to skip directly to suspension for egregious infractions, at the moderators’ discretion.

Blocklists and defederation

We subscribe to the Tier 0 blocklist.

At the moderators’ discretion, we might from time to time block additional servers as the situation warrants. We use our own server’s rules as a guide for blocking servers. For example, if we receive reports about a server whose users post a lot of targeted spam with no obvious moderation, then we might block that server.

If you want to unblock a server, then open an issue on our GitHub.

Join us as a moderator

If you are interested in joining the Masto.NYC moderation team, then fill out this application.

Shutdown policy

If we ever need to permanently shut down Masto.NYC services, then we will post public notice three months in advance of the planned last day. This is in adherence to the Mastodon server covenant.

Site status page

Our main status page is at

News-and-announcements account

To have news and announcements about Masto.NYC appear in your feed, follow @warren.

Art credit

All of our server artwork is by Marykate Carney.

Infrastructure source code

Our infrastructure source is on GitHub. Feel free to open an issue with any feature requests or questions!

DMCA Agent Information

Here is the DMCA policy for Masto.NYC.


Five Borough Fedi Project
93 4th Ave, PO Box 1323
New York, NY 10003

Press releases

Annual transparency reports